Integrity, Liberty
& Prosperity
Discover where Conor Quinn stands on the issues you care about!
Discover where Conor Quinn stands on the issues you care about!
My mission is to provide leadership, as well as set priorities and goals for Haverford Township, The 7th Ward and its neighborhoods.
Conor Quinn is a lifetime Havertown resident, small business owner, and Commissioner of the 7th Ward in Haverford Township. As a Commissioner, Conor and the other Board of Commissioners pass budgets, ordinances, and serve as the voice for the constituents. Every day Conor talks with his constituents and listen to their concerns. As a small business owner, I help manage the daily operations of the restaurant and deliver the best possible service and food that I can.
Use these voter services to register to vote online, find your polling place, or fill out an absentee ballot application. Please contact Conor if you have any questions on how to register to Vote or how to complete the absentee ballot application.
In Conor’s 2019 successful campaign he earned the endorsements of the following former commissioners. Conor is proud to have their continued support in 2023.
Conor Quinn has earned the reputation as a reliable, trustworthy public figure and candidate from the beginning of his public service to the 7th Ward and Haverford Township, starting in 2019 even while as a candidate for Commissioner. To learn more about his goals and his accomplishments, please click the links below.
Meetings of the Board of Commissioners are held the 1st (Work Session where discussion and debate takes place) and 2nd Monday (Regular Meeting where votes are taken) of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Commissioners Meeting Room at the Haverford Town-ship Municipal Services Building, 1014 Darby Road, Havertown, PA. Meetings can be viewed on the Haverford Township YouTube Channel or live on the cable access channels (Cable TV Chan-nel 10, Verizon Channel 38 and Comcast Channel 5).
Volunteer, share a testimonial, put up a yard sign, or make a donation to help Conor Quinn’s Re-Election Campaign.
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